Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Whole House Water Systems for Municipal Supplies - Town Water


Tired of the offensive chlorine odor & taste of municipal & town water? Is the chlorine affecting your skin or health? We can help with our chemical-free chlorine-removal filter!

Whole House Granular Activated Carbon Water Systems for municipal water/town/city water.

Residential, Commercial & Industrial Systems available.

Automatic backwashing frees the filter of impurities and readies it for operation over & over.  Uses only water to backwash/clean.

A whole house filter connects to the main water line entering your house/business so that all of the water dispensers in your house – faucets, toilets, showers, baths, kitchen, laundry – dispense treated water.

No more smelling like the local pool after a bath/shower. Food & beverages will taste fabulous!

Chemicals – most chemical contaminants can be removed using carbon filtration. The most common chemical disinfectant found in municipal city water supplies is chlorine, which can be removed with a carbon filter. Taste & Odors are the most common concern with municipal water.

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Activated Carbon is an outstanding material for applications requiring taste, odor, chlorine and color removal from water with suspended matter present. This product can be used for filtering waters having a wide range of pH levels. 
Contact us today!
Evolution Water
Middle Sackville, Nova Scotia

Visit & Like us on Facebook for water woes/news/solutions & specials - /evolutionwater

We serve many areas in Nova Scotia - Halifax, Dartmouth, Bedford, Lower Sackville, Middle Sackville, Beaverbank, Fall River, Queensland, Lawrencetown, Lake Echo, Porters Lake, Enfield, Shubenacadie, Rawdon, Windsor, Kentville, Ardoise, Beaverbank etc.